Sharing is encouraged, participation allowed!
My stories are published under the Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-SA license.
This means you can download them for free and share them with your friends. It’s not just allowed, it’s explicitly encouraged! There are no paywalls, no copy protection and no watermarks.
But not only that! If you feel like being creative yourself, you can take inspiration from my stories and base your own ideas on them. You can translate the stories into other languages, make stage plays or movies out of them or write your own fan fiction.
So what are you waiting for? Get creative and make something of your own!
There are just a few simple rules to follow.
You must always attribute my name as the author and refer to this website in an appropriate way. An example of such attribution would be:
Infinisomnia by Richard "Shred" Körber (
No Commercial Use
I invest a lot of time in this project and still make it freely accessible to everyone. It wouldn’t be fair if others made money off my work. Therefore:
Commercial use is not allowed.
At least not without my explicit, written permission. If you want to use my work commercially, feel free to contact me and explain your plans. I’m sure we can find a solution.
You are free to remix, transform, or build upon my work. If you publish your work, however, you must do so under the same terms and conditions. This means you must publish it under this license (or a compatible license).
Please note:
- Make it clear that this is a derivative work. It must not appear that I am the author of your work or endorse your work in any special way.
- Refer to this work as the basis for your work. It must not appear that the idea came from you alone.
- Your derivative work may not be used commercially either, as the same license conditions apply. If you want to use your work commercially, please contact me.
You want to translate a story into another language? You’re very welcome! You can find translation notes in the source code to help you. I will be happy to publish completed translations on this website with full attribution.
This is only a description of the license. The license itself is legally binding.