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The Technology Behind this Website

I believe in the open-source philosophy. All the software used is open and free to use. All you need is a PC, which doesn’t even have to be particularly powerful.

I am also a software developer. That’s why I don’t type my stories in some plain word processing software, but use a more sophisticated “stack”. However, this is not necessary. A simple text editor is perfectly sufficient. Some world literature was even typed on an ordinary mechanical typewriter.

Conception and Text Work

For the actual writing, I use VSCodium. I write the stories in Markdown format. This is easy to learn and more than sufficient for this type of literature.

LanguageTool checks for correct spelling and grammar for me. I run the free basic version on an own server instance. There is also a useful extension for VSCodium called LanguageTool Linter, which immediately highlights my spelling mistakes in yellow.

I also use VSCodium to design concepts, and Minder as mind mapping software.

All the work is of course versioned with git.

The source code is available at Codeberg. I am a supporting member of Codeberg e.V..

As a base I use Fedora Linux, which I have been loyal to since its first version.


For post-processing, I use pandoc to generate a PDF with large line spacing and wide margins.

I then edit these texts on a tablet with an ePaper display and a stylus. I prefer to make quick handwritten notes that I can scribble on the page, interrupting the flow of reading as little as possible.

Instead of a tablet, you could of course just print the PDF, but I prefer a paperless way of working.


This website is generated using Hugo and a self-designed template. It is purely static, so it does not require a database or content server, which is why it is so fast.

The entire publication process, including layout, hyphenation and generation of eBooks, is fully automated, so I can concentrate entirely on the content. A self-developed software generates all ePUB files from the individual stories and cover images. For this I use Python, ebooklib, Jinja2, Pillow, pyphen and python-qrcode.

The following resources were used to design this website: